Government jobs were
set up as a volunteer employment (For the People)!
If you remember your
U.S. History,
our forefathers in
their infinite wisdom,
set up your
government as a way to break from past monarch government
way to keep you poor
instead, (a government of the people for the people),
sound familiar?
Abe Lincoln
As of yesterday,
this form of government is lost
The first government
in the United States of the America, was with 'Rich Business People'
working for you
because none of them
needed to be paid!
Today people like
Bernie Sanders, poor and now a 'Millionaire running for office.
People like trump, a
bad businessman, now able to take your hard earned tax-money to do with as he
A person like Rick
Scott, able to sell off federally protected land in Florida and now America,
to advance his
personal business adventures!
why is it now a
bad thing for
a proven Mayor of a large City in a large state,
to pay his or her
way, without your hard earned taxes to work for you once again
and make this the
(For the people by the people as planned by your ancestors)?