Mayor Michael
Bloomberg for President
“Paris to
This may never
happen because he tells you the truth without sugarcoating it
slanting it
with political lies!
Like he said and I
There is no reason
to take our guns
put steel and coal workers out of work!!!!!
Check the
steelworkers in Pennsylvania, they are being retrained at government (local),
expense for
better, higher, paying, jobs, with benefits!
Today on the View
Mayor Bloomberg, a
man not only after my heart and should be yours, he puts his money,
a lot of
his money!
(Truly make America
for Americans again)!
He wants for America
and the World
what I have been screaming to you about for years!
Did you catch
Whoopi's View today?
The View December
10, 2018
Former New York
Mayor Michael Bloomberg
He/We want
Better jobs, jobs
with benefits, Healthcare for you from 'diapers to death', clean air, clean
water, safer foods and better products for your money!
Enough with the 3 or 4 jobs without benefits just to support your family!