
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Unidentified stormtroopers!

Today trump showed the world what he has in mind for the United States of trump!

Federal agents have been called in by President Trump amid ongoing demonstrations
While it is correct to say that The USA and the whole ‘Western Hemisphere’ is not in the ‘Holy Bible.’
It is true that in the ‘Holy Bible’ the earth and the universe for that matter will be destroyed and ‘New Jerusalem’ will be the replacement!
Therefore it stands to reason that the ‘Western Hemisphere’ will be in the last battle someplace somehow?
It also stands to reason that the ‘Whitehouse golfer’ is a clone of president Putin of Russia and if that ‘Whitehouse golfer ’wins in 2020
( c'out )!
Oregon Governor Kate Brown has accused US federal agents in unmarked cars who apparently detained protesters in Portland of a "blatant abuse of power".
Federal officers, deployed by President Donald Trump, have also fired tear gas and less-lethal munitions into crowds of demonstrators.
“Unidentified stormtroopers.
Unmarked cars.
Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti.
These are not the actions of a democratic republic.
@DHSgov ’s actions in Portland undermine its mission.
Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.”
9:10 PM · Jul 17, 2020·
Nancy Pelosi

Why is the United States of America never mentioned in Bible prophecy?
This could be for several reasons:
 (1) Perhaps the United States does not play an important role in the end times.
(2) Perhaps the United States does not exist any more once the end times begin.
(3) Perhaps the United States is included with all the other nations that reject God in the end times
Option (3) is the most likely answer.
The United States of America is the biggest supporter of Israel in the world today.
This might not always be the case.
John Robert Lewis oxymoron to confuse trump)!
(“Never Give Up”! – “Never Give In”! – “Always Keep The Faith”!
I was not concerned about making history, I just wanted to change things!

“Don’t get scared,
It’s your country, take it back”!

“This is our Watch”!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Biden is better than all of our past presidents?

trump’s Deceptive Ad on Biden and Defunding the Police
Posted on June 12, 2020
According to those trump political ads, it was not ‘Black Lives matter’ protesting the government, it is Joe Biden.
It is not ‘Black Lives matter’ wanting to 'defund the police, it is Joe Biden!
It was not a president, governor or mayor causing factories to close and un-employ those workers, it was Joe Biden!
It is not #45 people are saying that “If his mouth is moving, he is lying” it is Joe Biden!
It was not #41 that cut the war far too soon so that we had to go back to finish it, it was Joe Biden!
It was not #43 that started the wrong war with Iraq, then Afghanistan, it was Joe Biden
It is not #45 selling and caging children at our southern border, it is Joe Biden!
It was not #37 or #40 that outsourced your jobs to our enemy countries, forcing you to sell, what some people think of as hamburgers, out of work, poor and/or homeless, it was Joe Biden!
It is not #45 that is the cause of your family, friends and neighbors sick and lying from COVIN 19, it is Joe Biden!
So; why become president, according to #45 Joe Biden is already the best president?

37- Nixon
40- Reagan
41- George H.W. Bush
43- George. W. Bush
45- trump

trump’s Deceptive Ad on Biden and Defunding the Police
Posted on June 12, 2020

Love and blessings from
Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan

“Don’t get scared,
It’s your country, take it back”!
“This is our Watch”!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Hundreds of Thousands of humans around ‘Mother Earth’ have a breathing problem!

Most of those Hundreds of Thousands of humans
know this and are caring for the problem.

Some of them do not know, so are not caring for the problem!
Far too many humans 

do not have a breathing problem
 until being abused by a crazed human!
And then, we have the 
far, far too many 

‘George Floyd Humans Problem’!

think about this all humans 
with your breathing problem!
Heart and Cancer problem humans cannot
run, walk too far or too fast, or stay out in the hot sun too long!
Each of the above problems, excepting one, can be handled with care, medicine and help for a 'sufficiently good life'!
Unfortunately, the 
‘George Floyd Humans Problem’ 
can only be handled by the removing of 
the ‘Abusing, Crazed Human or humans’!
In this case, all four ‘Abusing, Crazed Humans’!
this is not a (George Floyd chokehold),
 this was going out in the military for years 
and being abused for years!

There is no Complete Cure, yet for heart and cancer breathing problems.
there is a definite cure for what happened to George Floyd!
(Stop the Training and  the use NOW)!
Love and blessings from
Creator to You All

Shechaim Ohjieshan

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Law enforcement fired tear gas at hundreds of peaceful protesters to clear the way for trump

Law enforcement fired tear gas at hundreds of peaceful protesters to clear the way for trump
D.C. Church ‘Outraged’ That trump Used It As Photo-Op
How much did you the taxpaying citizens pay 
for this 15 second photo-opt of another phony trump campaign ad?
Thousand of your hard earned taxes he wasted – Again!

See I can actually hold a bible!
It did not self distrust on camera!

St. John’s Episcopal Church pledged to support George Floyd protesters even after it was damaged in a fire. 
trump later used the church as a photo-op.
By Carol Kuruvilla
After a press conference in the Rose Garden Monday evening, trump walked from the White House to pose in front of St. John’s Church’s sign while holding a Bible. 
Law enforcement fired tear gas at hundreds of peaceful protesters to clear the way for trump,
The church belongs to the Episcopal Diocese of Washington ― part of a progressive denomination that has often stood at odds with the president’s policies and tactics.

Bishop Mariann Budde, leader of The Episcopal Diocese of Washington, told HuffPost that she was “outraged” about trump’s appearance
“I am going to do everything in my power to disassociate our church from what the president did tonight,” she said.

Even FOX NEWS is outraged with trump!
 officers suddenly marched forward, directly confronting the protesters as many held up their hands, saying, “Don’t shoot."
Soon, law enforcement officers were aggressively forcing the protesters back, firing tear gas and deploying flash bangs into the crowd to disperse them from the park for seemingly no reason.
It was a jarring scene as police in the nation's capital forcefully cleared young men and women gathered legally in a public park on a sunny evening, all of it on live television.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Casselberry, Florida

Welcome and thank you for your question Casselberry, Florida
Although I wonder why you needed to ask?
This is your macho president
Monday, June 1, 2020

I am not sure as to your problem 
remembering that protester that jumped up on the stage?
trump stained
 his pants 
Melania had to change his diaper!
Saturday, March 12, 2016:
At a rally in Dayton, OH,
the U.S. Secret Service had to step in to protect trump
after a scare from a protester!

This is your macho president


This is your macho president cowering in his play area!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Zuckerberg Backs Trump In Fight Against Twitter

Well DUH!
Facebook chairman-CEO Mark Zuckerberg is a trump republican and one of those
millionaire/billionaires that trump is paying to vote for him,
as in a tremendous tax break at your expense (Remember)?
Facebook's creator is siding with the president in his fight against Twitter 
after his tweets began getting the fact-check treatment.
Love and blessings from
Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan
“Don’t get scared,
It’s your country, take it back”!
“This is our Watch”!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ashburn, Virginia

Welcome to the visitor from Ashburn, Virginia
 I along with millions of voters say;
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
trump’s claim that he’s taking hydroxychloroquine
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
How do dictators come to power?
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Love and blessings from
Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan
“Don’t get scared,
It’s your country, take it back”!
“This is our Watch”!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

trump’s claim that he’s taking hydroxychloroquine

As a child of Creator I must side with our expert 
as a human, citizen of this the United States of America, 
one can only prey to stop thinking about (What If)?

Nancy Pelosi Says 'Morbidly Obese' 
trump Taking Hydroxychloroquine!
Biden says it's 'totally irresponsible' for trump to take hydroxychloroquine
Not a Good Idea'
Skeptics, including
suggested trump may be lying about taking hydroxychloroquine.
“Maybe he’s really not taking it because the president lies about things characteristically,” 
Schumer told MSNBC
“I don’t know whether he is taking it or not. 
I know him saying he is taking it, whether he is or not, is reckless, reckless, reckless.”

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Fools and liars rush in and get lost! Will my followers read the truth? Did trump trash the Obama's former national security advisor Susan Rice pandemic book written by The National Security Council?

The National Security Council under Barack Obama produced a 69-page

The strategies are among hundreds of tactics 
key policy decisions laid out in a 69-page National Security Council playbook 
on fighting pandemics, which POLITICO is detailing

Friday, May 8, 2020

Do not reinstate former Captain Brett Crozier of the U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt! Captain Brett Crozier needs to become Admiral Brett Crozier (The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV).Captain)!

The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV).
Captain ‘Fat Leonard’ ??????
The joke is on me my friends?

I thought that this was about (president bone spurs)?

Nov 26, 2018 · Known as “Fat Leonard” because of his girth, Francis was the president and chief executive of Glenn Defense Marine Asia, which held more than 
1/19/20 6:50pm 


Some of the nation's top naval officers were forced to resign after being found guilty in a huge bribery scandal involving the Pacific Fleet and a Malaysian criminal businessman.
  “Fat Leonard” because of his girth
Navy Admiral And 8 Officers Indicted In ‘Fat Leonard’ Bribery Case For Accepting Prostitutes In Crooked Deal
by Guest Post March 15, 2017
The Department of Justice has arrested and indicted retired Navy Rear Adm. Bruce Loveless and eight other Navy officers for allegedly accepting prostitutes, wild parties and other bribes in exchange for divulging classified info to a defense contractor.
The indictment alleges that Loveless and other officers received bribes and in turn helped out defense contractor Leonard Francis and his Singapore-based company Glenn Defense Marine Asia, according to a Department of Justice press release issued Tuesday.
Francis poured money into wild sex parties on the USS Blue Ridge. In one particularly egregious case of excess, five Navy officers during a port visit in 2008 ran through numerous prostitutes at the Shangri-La Hotel. Francis covered the $50,000 worth of expenses, which 

A Date Which Will Live in Infamy"

Franklin D. Roosevelt,  "December 7th, 1941  A Date Which Will Live in Infamy"   420,000 American Deaths! Donald trumps “December...