
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Each time you see a trump campaign look behind him!


trump is back on the campaign trail again after a bout with the pandemic.

What do you see?

Is trump on the ‘campaign trail’ while still full of the ‘medicine allowing him’ to be on the ‘campaign trail’?

What is the Walter Reed hospital?

Riverside Walter Reed Hospital.

Riverside Walter Reed Hospital is a 67-bed acute care facility located in Gloucester, Virginia. With 24-hour emergency services, a 12,000 square foot Intensive Care Unit, a complete range of outpatient services, a highly professional, caring staff and more than 50 outstanding area physicians.,staff%20and%20more%20than%2050%20outstanding%20area%20physicians%2C

What do you see?

I see people that will not get the care that trump did, not even close!

What do you see?

I see ‘gullible sheep’ not being allowed to think for themselves!

What do you see?

I  see trump Pied Piper leading his followers to a ‘Russian roulette death’!

Remember the number of time ‘trump said’ that he wants to end the ‘healthcare program’!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Fetus cell?


Should a, could a, would a, – you be the judge?

After reading the post you might wonder as do I, is it or is it not a steroid made from a Fetus cell (sheep, or human)?

A pharmaceutical company hell bent on getting into your bank-account will never tell you!

It really does not matter to me however; it “darn tootin” should matter to anyone using it and for sure (All Evangelical Christians pushing to end ‘Roe v. Wade’ Must care)!

The experimental treatment for the coronavirus that trump took last week and which he has been touting as a miracle “cure” was developed using cells originally derived from fetal tissue, according to new reports.

“293Ts were used in testing the antibodies’ ability to neutralize the virus,” Alexandra Bowie, a spokeswoman for Regeneron, confirmed to the Times. “They weren’t used in any other way, and fetal tissue was not used in the research.”

The trump administration has previously condemned the practice, and, in June 2019 suspended federal funding for most new scientific research involving fetal tissue derived from abortions.

But in a video released on Wednesday, trump touted the cutting-edge treatment as a “cure” for COVID-19 and promised to provide it free to anyone who needed it.

The president was administered Regeneron’s cocktail of monoclonal antibodies — essentially man-made proteins that act like those naturally produced by the human immune system to fight viruses.

In order to test the potency of its antibodies, Regeneron made use of HEK 293T, a human cell line once derived from the tissue of an aborted fetus, according to the MIT Technology Review and The New York Times.

Regeneron applied for emergency use authorization of the antibody cocktail to the Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday night.

The anti-viral drug remdesivir, which the president also received, was tested using the HEK 293T cells as well, according to the Times.

At least two companies racing to produce a coronavirus vaccine, Moderna and AstraZeneca, are also are using the cell line.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Fact Check trumps 10.6 million new jobs?


Fact Check trumps 10.6 million new jobs?

Fact Check trumps 10.6 million new jobs?

trump’s 10.6 Million Jobs Stat

(Masks a Complex)), 

Weak Unemployment Picture!



Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Abolish the Police?


My opinion is, the only people, in this country that would want to ‘completely abolish the police department’ would be people that just woke up from a 1930s comer from Germany, Japan or Italy war time and or criminals!


Defund definition is - to withdraw funding from. Recent Examples on the Web No, Biden has explicitly rejected the call by some on the left to defund the police.

I was on a call to lend a hand to one of my helpers under distress, a problem with an uncontrolled fire in a boiler he was working on!

The reason for this statement was, because the fire department was given no clue they showed up by emptying three fire stations to the call.

A house in distress does not need three ‘hook n latter trucks?

Nor does a small town need 4 or 5 assault battering ram trucks!

In a small town, one maybe two assault truck should suffice?

That would be a time to think about defunding wouldn’t you agree?

Monday, September 21, 2020

Why are we doing this backwards?


(31,084.007 cases and counting)!

(961,066 deaths and counting)!

This country and a few other so called ‘intelligent countries’ are still 

'Wagging the dog’!

In December2019 ‘Mother Earth’ was once again beset with the beginning of a (Pandemic)!

Our leaders quickly squashed all information extremely important to the welfare of their citizens!

Today September 21st 2020 nothing has changed, therefore this country and a few others are still trying to stop the bleeding from an amputation with bandages!

Opening and closing schools, bar, restaurants, attractions, wearing a mask, not wearing a mask, social distancing, not social distasting, believe our leaders, do not believe our leaders, believe our scientists, do not believe our scientist, and so on!

Love and blessings from

Creator to You All

Shechaim Ohjieshan

“Real change, enduring change happens one step at a time.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg



“Don’t get scared,

It’s your country, take it back”!




“This is our Watch”!

John Robert Lewis

"Good Trouble"!

(“Never Give Up”! – “Never Give In”! – “Always Keep The Faith”)!

John Lewis’ Last Words

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Supreme Court of the United States

There is no way to stop the 'stacked deck in the 'Supreme court'!

Today the talk in the media seems to be

Mitch/donald senate pick and the loss of the affordable healthcare?


Lets remember; the Republican party also wants to do away with Social security, Medicare and Medicaid!

Check the posting about,

If or when you elect donald November 3rd 2020, you will have been paying into Social security, Medicare and Medicaid for nothing unless you completely end the republicans control of the senate and take back your Whitehouse?

How many of my 686 followers are of a working family?

Working family (Social security, Medicare and Medicaid)?

If or when you elect donald November 3rd 2020, you will have been paying into Social security, Medicare and Medicaid for nothing because, as donald has said a number of times, he will end your social security!  Donald said that he would do away with the payroll tax that keeps Social Security going!


Love and blessings from

Creator to You All

Shechaim Ohjieshan

“Real change, enduring change happens one step at a time.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg



“Don’t get scared,

It’s your country, take it back”!




“This is our Watch”!

John Robert Lewis

(“Never Give Up”! – “Never Give In”! – “Always Keep The Faith”)!

John Lewis’ Last Words

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Amazon products exploding


Amazon basics electronics' catching fire! 

As a 'Service Technician' of 40 years, 

I have never seen products 

such as 

Amazon's in those 40 years!

In today's world of outsourcing, 

Amazon's products are the norm!

Before that is was 

South Korea!

Before that it was 


Before that it was 


Before that it was 


Before that it was 


Joe Biden has the answer in his

‘First thing to do List’!

Before them all there was, 

‘Union Made’ in the’ United States of America’!

Because American companies could not cheat and for a few good reasons.

1 – Union Members did not fear being fired as a Whistle Blower’!

2 - Companies were being watched over by ‘Government Officials’ that were unable to be paid under the table 

to turn a blind eye without the loss of their jobs!

People our age, I have a year on Joe, American (Union Made Products), lasted 25 to 35 years and most of them could be repaired with parts from locally owned stores!

How many years 

do you now get from your 

Amazon, South Korea, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, or Japanese 


Dozens of Amazon's own products have been reported as dangerous 

melting, exploding or even bursting into flames. 

Many are still on the market

By Blake Ellis and Melanie Hicken, CNN

September 10, 2020

Since 2016, at least 1,500 reviews, covering more than 70 items, have described products exploding, catching on fire, smoking, melting, causing electrical malfunctions or otherwise posing risks, according to an analysis of 

AmazonBasics electronics and appliances listed on its website.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

"Extremely Dangerous" 


"Extremely Dangerous" Category 4 hurricane

Once again I must plead my case for ‘power lines going underground?

I know that ‘Power Company Employees do not want the lines underground and for some very good reasons and a few other reasons?

Back when I was working I have seen many old buildings with power piping from 'build to build' underground and have seen and heard what happens once they get old!

However; the operative word is (Piping)!

Those power-line pipes were run using lead, iron and/or steel pipes 


lead, iron and/or steel fittings!

Today we think nothing of 

Natural Gas Companies running their piping, 

with thousands of pounds of pressure 

under streets, buildings and across state borders!


Because these companies are using modern pipes held together with modern glues.

Polyethylene gas piping systems are specifically engineered and certified for the underground environment.

All of the work is in safety panels above ground.

Power lines can be run through another much thicker pipe for protection and safety.

Hurricane Laura was a Category 4 storm an 

"extremely dangerous" Category 4 hurricane!

A street is seen strewn with debris and downed power lines after Hurricane Laura passed through Lake Charles, La., Aug, 27, 2020

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Hatch Act,


RNC Hatct Act Violations

· “Amidst a cavalcade of Hatch Act and other ethics violations, somehow President Trump has found a new low.

May not be a candidate for nomination or election to public office in a partisan election.

May not use his or her official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the result of an election. For example: > 

May not use his or her official title or position while engaged in political activity. > 

May not invite subordinate employees to political events or otherwise suggest to sub ordinates that they attend political events or undertake any partisan political activity.

May not knowingly solicit or discourage the participation in any political activity of anyone who has business before their employing office.

May not solicit, accept, or receive a donation or contribution for a partisan political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group. For example: >

 May not host a political fundraiser; >

 May not invite others to a political fundraiser; >

 May not sell tickets to a political fundraiser;

May not use any e-mail account or social media to distribute, send, or forward content that solicits political contributions.

Hatch Act,

(Aug. 2, 1939; amended July 1940), measure enacted by the U.S. Congress, aimed at eliminating corrupt practices in national elections. It was sponsored by Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico following disclosures that Works Progress Administration officials were using their positions to win votes for the Democratic Party. 

The Hatch Act forbade intimidation or bribery of voters and restricted political-campaign activities by federal employees. As amended, it also severely limited contributions by individuals to political campaigns and spending by campaign committees.

The Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993

 permit most federal employees to take an active part in partisan political management and partisan political campaigns.

While federal employees are still prohibited from seeking public office in partisan elections, most employees are free to work, while off duty, on the partisan campaigns of the candidates of their choice.

Federal ethics breaches at the RNC warrant Hatch Act ...

15 hours ago · “Amidst a cavalcade of Hatch Act and other ethics violations, somehow President Trump has found a new low. The White House and acting Secretary …

Monday, August 17, 2020

Absentee Ballot Form with trump’s Picture Arrives for Voters Ahead of Presidential Election


If anyone race, color, gay pride, democrat, republican, independent native, Asian, atheist or whoever wants to ‘Dump trump’ you all must help spread the word!

It might help you to remember a couple of my last posts?

trump golf’s while gutting social security

AM Joy – 8/16/20

Once this country is owned by a Nazi, communist, trump, there will be little to no chance to say oops

Love and blessings from

Creator to You All

Shechaim Ohjieshan



“Don’t get scared,

It’s your country, take it back”!




“This is our Watch”!

John Robert Lewis

(“Never Give Up”! – “Never Give In”! – “Always Keep The Faith”)!

John Lewis’ Last Words

Friday, August 14, 2020

Coal Workers were mostly WHITE unskilled workers!


Coal Workers were for the most part WHITE unskilled workers!
My neighbors voting for trump and trump republicans,
“What’s your job look like”?

How many trump supporters are classified as (Unskilled Workers)?

trump republicans have been working for the past 30 plus years to take the country back to those 1800’s trump is on track to make it happen soon after the 2020 election!

Coal workers before unions?

In 1886 700,000 workers were ‘White’ 


60,000 were ‘Black’!

Unlike other labor unions, the Knights of Labor encouraged blacks to join!

By 1886, membership in the Knights of Labor had swollen to 700,000 workers

and stood as a champion for the unskilled laborer.

Unlike other labor unions, the Knights of Labor encouraged blacks to join, so that by 1886, approximately 60,000 blacks had become members.

A Date Which Will Live in Infamy"

Franklin D. Roosevelt,  "December 7th, 1941  A Date Which Will Live in Infamy"   420,000 American Deaths! Donald trumps “December...