
Thursday, April 15, 2021

To war or not to war that is the question?


 The United States has lost and/or wounded both mentally and physically our military personal since forever!

Don't believe me?

Keep reading!

US President Joe Biden wants US out of Afghanistan by 9/11

What is the definition of war?

Unless you are years before 1945 you only know war from reading others thoughts!

This country has not, in my opinion, been in a war since 1945!

Skirmish an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets that must never end!

Unlike people today voicing their opinion about war.

God Bless the military around Mother Earth because we/are/were the real people that put our boots on the ground!

However; we, you and I were not in a war, we were and some still are, in a skirmish only to feed the pockets of the rich business people making military products, Lobbyists and people in the government making their excuse use as to why we must stay in this stagnated skirmish so that they can keep feeding their pockets!


Skirmish an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets that must never end!

Bottom-line if there is profit in it we were in it!

 List of wars involving the United States - Wikipedia

Iran crisis of 1946

Korean conflict

Korean War

Part of the Korean conflict

Vietnam War

1958 Lebanon crisis

Congo Crisis

First Iraqi–Kurdish War

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Simba rebellion

Dominican Civil War

United States invasion of the Dominican Republic (1965) [es]

American occupation of the Dominican Republic (1965–66)

Ñancahuazú Guerrilla War

Korean DMZ Conflict

Part of the Korean conflict

Cambodian Civil War

Civil conflict in the Philippines

Communist rebellion in the Philippines

Moro insurgency in the Philippines

1971 Ugandan coup d'état

Angolan Civil War

Lebanese Civil War

Cambodian–Vietnamese War

Insurgency in Laos

Shaba II

Invasion of Grenada

1986 United States bombing of Libya

1989 Philippine coup attempt

United States invasion of Panama

Timeline of American Involvement in Wars (

1990–1991    Persian Gulf War

1995–1996    Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina

2001–present    Invasion of Afghanistan

2003–2011    Invasion of Iraq

2004–present    War in Northwest Pakistan

2007–present    Somalia and Northeastern Kenya

2009–2016    Operation Ocean Shield (Indian Ocean)

2011    Intervention in Libya    U.S. and NATO allies vs. Libya

2011–2017    Lord's Resistance Army    U.S. and allies against the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda

2014–2017    U.S.-led Intervention in Iraq    U.S. and coalition forces against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

2014–present    U.S.-led intervention in Syria    U.S. and coalition forces against al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Syria

2015–present    Yemeni Civil War    Saudi-led coalition and U.S., France, and Kingdom against the Houthi rebels, Supreme Political Council in Yemen, and allies

2015–present    Yemeni Civil War    Saudi-led coalition and U.S., France, and Kingdom against the Houthi rebels, Supreme Political Council in Yemen, and allies

Timeline of American Involvement in Wars (

Believe me now?

 The United States has lost and/or wounded both mentally and physically our military personal since forever!

Saturday, April 3, 2021

All sports team should ‘Boycott’ voter suppression?


This is a ‘Free Country’, our citizens past, present and in the future join the military to help keep it so!

The Republican Party did not cheat the governor on this past voting challenge to their election!


Every sports team in every state that suppresses their citizen’s right to vote should threaten to play every game in states that do not suppress their citizen’s right to vote?


Every major manufacturing company should follow their hearts also?

American major manufacturing company images - Bing images

MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred made the decision to move the All-Star events and the amateur draft from Atlanta after discussions with individual players and the Players Alliance, an organization of Black players formed after the death of George Floyd last year, the commissioner said in a statement. A new ballpark for the events wasn’t immediately revealed.

MLB All-Star Game yanked from Georgia over voting law!

NEW YORK – Atlanta lost Major League Baseball’s summer All-Star Game on Friday over the league’s objections to sweeping changes to Georgia voting laws that critics — including the CEOs of Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines and Coca-Cola — have condemned as being too restrictive.

The decision to pull the July 13 game from Atlanta’s Truist Park, amounts to the first economic backlash against Georgia for the voting law that

Republican Gov. Brian Kemp quickly signed into law March 25.

MLB All-Star Game yanked from Georgia over voting law (

Friday, April 2, 2021

You are innocent until proven guilty


Because in the United States of America you are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law for a misdemeanor for ‘Allegedly’ pass a counterfeit $20?

When you are lying on your stomach handcuffed behind your back next to a police car you are under the control of four police officers!

So; why the death grip for almost ten minutes?

‘No White Person’ in the United Stated has ever been murdered by a police officer for a misdemeanor!

For ‘Allegedly’ pass a counterfeit $20

Because in the United States of America you are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law!

Chauvin, 45, is charged with murder and manslaughter, accused of killing Floyd last May by pinning the 46-year-old handcuffed Black man to the pavement for what prosecutors said was 9 minutes, 29 seconds. Floyd was arrested after being accused of trying to pass a counterfeit $20 bill at a convenience store.

In the United States of America you are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law for a misdemeanor ‘Allegedly’ pass a counterfeit $20

Because in the United States of America you are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law!


So; while in this court of law should Derek Chauvin be guilty or innocent of murder, and Tou Thao, J.Alexander and Thomas Kiernan Lane be innocent or guilty of accessory to murder?


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Are you a wounded veteran?


I write this to my neighbor members of groups like the Poor Boys and member of the military or was a member of the military.

Are you a wounded veteran or a member of the ‘Wounded Warrior Society’ a family member of a wounded warrior or family member of a war deceased veteran while in the military, any military around the world?

How do you feel about a person in power that joins the 'military Reserves' of a country’ when impending war is imminent and/or when being drafted into that war seeks a medical deferment from the military in the place of joining?

Mitch McConnell and trump did both because of the Vietnam War!

My time in the military 1961 to 1967 people leaving the country and paying for a medical deferment just to get out of the war were called




People like Mitch McConnell and trump 

are called 'Politicians'?


Mitch McConnell with optic neuritis

trump with Bone Spurs

As Donald Trump Heads to Vietnam, Here's How He Used Bone Spurs to Avoid War, Military Service ( as tens of thousands of American men their age were drafted and died in war.


Senate Mitch McConnell’s Trojan Horse


Today 01/01.2021 – Kentucky is still the 6th poorest state in the country, why Mitch?

No Joke!

Minority Senator Mitch McConnell is working for the citizens of America.

((((April fool))))!!!!

Today our country is in shambles teetering on becoming a 3rd world country!

So Mitch; which political party would you now say actually built our (Trojan horse)?

Mitch McConnell Biography

Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia

McConnell became a Millionaire since coming into ‘politics in 1984 and as a senator a multi-millionaire because of the (trump tax cuts) that put a major burden on you the votes.

 He like trump was diagnosed with optic neuritis and was deemed medically unfit for military service in 1967 Vietnam War???

Today 01/01.2021 – Kentucky is still the 6th poorest state in the country, why Mitch?

Now he is calling the Presidents (Clean up after Mitch Program), a Trojan Horse?

Give me a break!

Speaking in Erlanger, Kentucky, on Wednesday, the GOP Leader raised concerns about the level of the national debt and reversing the corporate tax cut that Republicans passed in 2017.

“It’s like a Trojan horse,” McConnell told reporters. “It’s called infrastructure, but inside the Trojan horse it’s going to be more borrowed money, and massive tax increases on all the productive parts of our economy.”

Monday, March 29, 2021

Haunted History: Salem Witch Trials


Haunted History: Salem Witch Trials



My plan with this subject is to show at least three 'stand out things' that my elders, now ancestors, and I have been complaining to you about for far too many years!

At least 39 years 

of my complaints 

on computers!


The Top 20 Most Haunted Places in Massachusetts - Boston Ghosts

This is about trials in the North Eastern part of Indian/Native American Country, and yet you will only see Central/West Coast Indians?

Our complaint is the fact that our people are also native to our land and we have and as you can now see are being still being abused!


Because of the fact of the 1st statement 75% to 80% of our Native Americans get 0 to no help from the Euro-Americans now controlling our land un-less you count a hand full of those 'Government controlled Casinos'!

I do not!!


Please take a close look at the picture?


The mark being pointed too is not a mark of a witch, warlock or occult, it is the birth mark of a 'Royal Family Member, of a Eastern Native American Tribe and a huge reason why those birth marks are so hard to find as of late, the person (Female), ancestors were burned at the stake mistakenly called witches!


It has been some time my friends but my inner most native feelings have come back for me to open up to my elders/ancestors for this post!


My Shawnee brothers and sisters will tell you that it is their mark of Royalty and I agree, because many of our people, after being forced off our land traveled to all parts west!


Some 20 innocents were put to death for the practice of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts. But was there more to the Salem Witch Trials than hysteria?

Unlock this episode and more in HISTORY Vault. Stream thousands of hours of acclaimed series, probing documentaries and captivating specials commercial-free.

Salem Witch Trials - Events, Facts & Victims - HISTORY


Context & Origins of the Salem Witch Trials

Belief in the supernatural–and specifically in the devil’s practice of giving certain humans (witches) the power to harm others in return for their loyalty–had emerged in Europe as early as the 14th century, and was widespread in colonial New England. In addition, the harsh realities of life in the rural Puritan community of Salem Village (present-day Danvers, Massachusetts) at the time included the after-effects of a British war with France in the American colonies in 1689, a recent smallpox epidemic, fears of attacks from neighboring Native American tribes and a longstanding rivalry with the more affluent community of Salem Town (present-day Salem). Amid these simmering tensions, the Salem witch trials would be fueled by residents’ suspicions of and resentment toward their neighbors, as well as their fear of outsiders.


Watch Salem Witch Trials Season 1, Episode 7 | History Vault


Watch Haunted History Full Episodes, Video & More | History Vault


(PRESIDENT) - Aung San Suu Kyi


Why Myanmar protesters see Aung San Suu Kyi as their greatest hope – video explainer



 (PRESIDENT) -  Aung San Suu Kyi 


Hundreds of thousands of people have been protesting across Myanmar since the army overthrew the civilian government led by (PRESIDENT) -  Aung San Suu Kyi and detained most top leaders on 1 February.

 She is still locked up in Myanmar prison, her crime?

Being the President of Myanmar!

People of Myanmar in 'great peril', UN told as police clash with protesters | Myanmar | The Guardian

President Aung San Suu Kyi

Aung San Suu Kyi was born on June 19, 1945, in Yangon, Myanmar, a country traditionally known as Burma. Her father, formerly the de facto prime minister of British Burma, was assassinated in 1947. Her mother, Khin Kyi, was appointed ambassador to India in 1960.

To me my friends this is my personal favorite place to find out about indigenous people and places by a very caring person – My Web designer


Aung San Suu Kyi (

Also please check out

Aung San Suu Kyi - Husband, Quotes & Rohingya Crisis - Biography


Aung San Suu Kyi - Wikipedia



Important information to my followers!


Important information to my followers!


There is (ALWAYS), a comment section on each of my blogs and my website, if you have questions about anything, I will answer.

However; please plan on (I do not know) every once in a while followed by let’s go find the answer, because yours truly is not a knower of much let alone everything.

My point of this post is as following,

I received an Email from someone looking for a quick D & A test of her ancestors, as you know by now that is not my job in life for the most part because that someone  might be looking for entrance into a casino!

I did not, do not and will never be connected to gambling of any kind!

Remember my promise to my grandfather and again to my father both Shechaim’s at the time?

Soaugi (Funeral) | Shechaim's News of the Day (

I did however write about a few places to check for herself, her email is blocked and so will I forever be!

I as I am sure you, do not full out a form or give critical information over the internet or in an Email because like you I am not stupid!

Thank-you (Taw-but-ni), my friends for allowing me to vent a little?

With Love as always


Sunday, March 28, 2021

The media is being duped again - so what's new?

 Only some of the promises would take a 50 50 senate plus the Senate President to pass and some of the promises would take a 60% to pass and would be without congress republican’s help!

Which ones should you want to be working on first?

I am only reminding you of the reason for this post.

 For at least 172 years the Mexico/USA Border has been in dispute!


Remember what the media did to Hillary Clinton, constantly talking about Emails?


Now this same media is talking only border wall, sound familiar?


Since the defeat of the trump republicans in congress (January 2021), the border seems to have become a disaster?


Give Me A Break!


The ' trump republicans in congress' with the help of the 'media' again, are doing their very best at trying to knock

'PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN' off of his 'Game Plan'!

‘Border Crossings’ have been 

a ‘Political ‘Kick Around’ for years

 and this year is no exception!

The media is being duped again;

((deceive · trick · hoodwink · hoax · swindle · defraud · cheat · double-cross · gull · mislead · take in · fool · delude · misguide · lead on · inveigle · seduce · ensnare · entrap · beguile · con · do · sting · gyp · rip off · diddle · swizzle · shaft · bilk · rook · bamboozle · finagle · pull the wool over someone's eyes · pull someone's leg · pull a fast one on · put one over on · sell a pup to · take to the cleaners · sucker · snooker · stiff · euchre · bunco · hornswoggle · pull a swifty on · cozen · sharp · mulct))


'PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN' made a promise to you, your country and the world while running to become your 'EMPLOYEE 'and he is hard at work to accomplish this,  if he does he and Vice President Kamala Harris are a shoe in at the 2024 election!

However; if the trump republicans in congress can keep him from his task until 2024?

Remember what the media did to Hillary Clinton, constantly talking about Emails?

Now this same media is talking only border wall, sound familiar?

Saturday, March 27, 2021

The builders of the 2nd amendment made $50.00 per annum (year)!


Today the members of your congress makes more of your tax money then around 70% of the tax-paying citizens paying their wages and like the builders of the 2nd amendment they are millionaires, billionaire, business-  men and women!

Average Salary Information for U.S. Workers (

Think about that while you are reading the possibility of your child, family member, friend, neighbor or you could be the next victim of (Mass-Murdering Military Weapons)?

Salaries of members of the United States Congress - Wikipedia

Every member of congress enjoys your tax-paid 100% insurance for them and their family!

Think about that while you are struggling to buy food, pay your taxes, insurance, rent or mortgage or send your children to college?

How Many Days Congress Works - Annual Total and Average (

Think about this the next time you wonder when you will be able to take a family vacation?

Here's How Much Less Congress Works Than You Do - ABC News (

!00% of your congress are already protected from the COVIN-19 Pandemic no matter their age and have been for months!

Have you or your children been vaccinated yet?

Why not?

Friday, March 26, 2021

Cooking in a Microwave?


Ever wonder the only reasonable reason why we in America keep voting into office

(Crooked Politicians)!

Are we in America (Stupid)!

Think about it while you read?

Going through any tunnel like the ‘Allegheny Mountain Tunnel’ in Pennsylvania through a mountain you will see a sign 

‘Sunglasses off’ and ‘Sunglasses on’, 

why is that?

Ever really thing about the directions on a contained you are about to cook in a Microwave?

Remove tray from outer carton before cooking!

1. Remove tray from outer carton.
2. Peel back corner of ­lm to vent.
3. Cook at 50% power for 18 minutes.
4. Remove ­lm. Cook on HIGH for 4 minutes.
5. Using potholders, carefully remove tray from
microwave oven.
6. Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

Why is that?


Then why would any politician refuse to read the complete 2nd amendment and update the laws that keep you with your guns while stopping crooks and insane people from getting weapons of murder and forcing lazy people to protect their weapons from crooks for your family and you safe from them?

 Because if one would only stop and listen, ‘Sane politicians’ do not want to take your guns while protection you from crooks and insane people getting them!

Yes Senator Ted Cruz, it will take time to help you save lives in your country however; Senator Ted Cruz anything to help must be a move in the right direction?

Only thing is Senator Ted Cruz; it would also mean that crooked politicians would lose ‘millions’ from lobbyist wouldn’t it?

A Date Which Will Live in Infamy"

Franklin D. Roosevelt,  "December 7th, 1941  A Date Which Will Live in Infamy"   420,000 American Deaths! Donald trumps “December...