
Sunday, September 5, 2021

Is it illegal for me to pay someone to rob you?


Why am I (Hell-Bent), on ridding the world of lobbyists?


What is (Accessory to a Crime)?


A true statement why not charge any politician taking a bribe with a crime?


BRIBE - a sum of money or other inducement offered or given to bribe someone, Persuade (someone) to act in one's favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money or other inducement.


Exodus 23:8 NIV - “Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe ...


Why not charge all Lobbyists with accessory to this crime?


Because Congress is the Criminal taking  (This Bribe), your tax money and their Lobbyist is the accessory to the taking of your money!


 An accessory to a crime is any person who knowingly and willingly aids or assists another individual in committing a crime, but does not actually commit the crime. 

There are two main kinds of accessories to a crime: Accessory Before the Fact:

A person is an accessory before the fact if they aid a criminal before they commit their crime.

This can be giving the principal any kind of help.


What Is an Accessory to a Crime? | Laporte, Mulligan ...


Well if all of the above is a true statement why not charge any politician taking a bribe with a crime?


Why not charge all Lobbyists with accessory to this crime?



You are not going to like this.

Because Congress is the Criminal taking your tax money and their Lobbyists is the accessory to the taking of your money!




Why am I (Hell-Bent), on ridding this country of lobbyists?


If not for displease Creator, I would use many more and much stronger words!


Lobbyists are overpaid scum paid by richer scum wanting to get richer with your tax-money!


So what actually is this lobbyist?


A lobbyist is anyone 'paid a lot of money and sent to politicians to buy them by offering a lot of money!


Is it a form of a pandemic?


Well in a way because it will 

take an act of ‘Congress’

 to rid the country of this (infestation)!

Notice the play on words did you?


Is there medicine to rid the world of lobbyists?

Yes there actually is



How did lobbyists ever get into politics?



 ‘Big Business’ was allowed to sit in the ’Lobby' with politicians and talk 'money’!


The Origins of 'Lobbyist' | Merriam-Webster


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